Prepare for an unforgettable journey as Disney’s enchanting world comes to life in The Magic Box. This epic musical experience weaves together beloved Disney characters, songs and a unique story, transporting audiences...
Do you believe in magic? If so, get ready to immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Disney like never before with the highly anticipated Disney The Magic Box experience this January in Abu Dhabi. Prepare to walk in...
Mark your calendars for November 1 & 2, 2024, as a cultural phenomenon arrives in town. Having toured the world, spreading the breathtaking art form of flamenco far and wide, Authentic Flamenco is making a stop in A...
Experience the soul of Spain as the unmissable cultural phenomenon Authentic Flamenco takes centre stage at Abu Dhabi Cultural Foundation on November 1 & 2. Having enchanted audiences across the world, Authentic Fla...
At Emirates Palace Mandarin Oriental, Abu Dhabi, you can find a private beach, luxe suites, a 24-hour butler service, and eight dining options established by world-renowned chefs—and these are only some of the per...
While Abu Dhabi is going to be glowing with the fireworks on the Corniche and Yas Island promenade this December, Candlelight is also bring something festive to the city. The popular concert series invities you to sprin...
Experience flamenco at its most breath-taking as Paula Rodríguez, one of the most sought-after flamenco dancers in Spain, performs live on stage from November 3-4. This show at the Cultural Foundation Abu Dhabi Theatre...
We hope you are ready for an adventure of a lifetime, as Peter Pan On Ice is now showing at the Cultural Foundation in Abu Dhabi. Shows will be running on the 12–13 May,…...
Calling all Lost Boys and Girls, tickets are now on sale for Peter Pan on Ice, showing at The Cultural Foundation on the 12th and 13th of May! The beloved tale of adventure and…...