Prepare for an unforgettable journey as Disney’s enchanting world comes to life in The Magic Box. This epic musical experience weaves together beloved Disney characters, songs and a unique story, transporting audiences...
Cube Challenges Abu Dhabi isn’t your average escape room, it’s a unique, mind-bending adventure that combines mental challenges with physical feats, creating a dynamic, adrenaline-pumping experience. With 32 interactive...
Do you believe in magic? If so, get ready to immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Disney like never before with the highly anticipated Disney The Magic Box experience this January in Abu Dhabi. Prepare to walk in...
Are you ready to step into a world where imagination and reality collide? Where floating bubbles, vibrant colours, and interactive fun transport you to an out-of-this-world experience? Well, get excited because Bubble P...
Noticed that over the last day, your phone’s network info has switched to say ‘Spacewalk’? That’s because UAE astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi is currently performing a historic feat – the Arab world’s first-ever spacewalk. T...
We have exciting tidings! Aquaman, oops, Jason Momoa has been appointed Yas Island’s newest Chief Island Officer. As far as ridiculously fun job titles go, it doesn’t get more amusing than being Yas Island’s brand...
June in the UAE is probably the last place and time you’d look for snow, but improbably, that’s when we might be taking our first steps into Abu Dhabi’s own winter wonderland. That’s because Moha...
Shocking scenes from the tragedy unfolding in Syria and Turkey after an earthquake of a 7.8 magnitude struck the countries on February 6, have been appearing on our social media feeds and on the news. Categorised as one...
Whether you’re searching for the ideal weekend activity, looking for the hottest new restaurant in town, or trying to find the best panoramic view of the city, it’s always good to have a helping hand. And that’s where A...